The Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Assunção da Boa Nova (Our Lady of the Assumption of Good News) is a Gothic style cruciform fortified church, one of the few of its kind in the country, located in the parish of Terena, in Alandroal. It was commissioned in the 14th century by Queen D. Maria, wife of Afonso XI of Cas-tile and daughter of the Portuguese king Afonso IV, as a congratulatory act for the victory against the Moors at the Battle of Salado. Legend has it that the Queen was here when she received the good news, and that is where the Portuguese saying “Boa Nova” (Good News) was born. Its pilgrimage is the oldest in the Alentejo and is connected to the “Cantigas de Santa Maria” (“Canticles of Holy Mary”) by Afonso X. It has been classi-fied as a National Monument since 1910.